Well here we are again at the beginning of week 5 wondering where the time went, how could be possible for the weeks to pass so quickly? Why does my mission have to pass so quickly? I guess we will not really understand the answers to these questions so the only thing we can really do is again and again pose them with different wording so we dont feel like our lives are going in circles and have a continuous feelings of déjà vu.
So this week was really fast first because I got to head over to St Raphael and do a really great exchange with Elder Berry. We started in the afternoon and quickly ran home, dropped off the stuff and then proceeded to do some awesome passbacks. That was really great because it meant that in the small suburbs of St Raph, Elder Berry and I got to really know each other while walking around the neighborhood areas. Elder Davis and I decided at the beginning of the transfer that the best activity that one ought to do in order to get on a deeper level is to do some door to door. I have a strong testimony of that. So then we cut the day in half and took a late lunch before heading out again and finishing the exchange with some more unifying. We had lots of really cool small miracles. One, we were walking past a very common in france Pizza trailer (basically someone just buys the trailer and puts an oven inside and then opens it up and voila.) And the owner yelled over to us and told us that we could come by anytime; We didn't know what that meant so we said thanks and said we would ( they were working right then so we didn't try to push anything right then but the elders planned to pass later that week and try to teach them!)
That was great but the best is Roland. He isn't necessarily ready for baptism for this Saturday but he has been progressing enormously! We taught him both the word of wisdom and law of Chastity he accepted both, Thankfully he doesnt really have problems with either other than the occasional wine of tea so that is nice. He is still sincerely looking for that response and so we are helping him with that primarily. He is just so normal and cool that we are working so hard to help him really have a strong personal testimony and make those steps that will make him more happy! He was not able to make it to church because of a phone miscommunication (because for the instant we have a member pick him up, but he wasnt answering in the morning) He has come to church three time in any case and hopefully we will be able to see him a good amount this week to help him and respond to all his questions.
And we also went on a hike today for pday (pictures on dropbox).
It was really fun and was similar to the hike I did in Toulon. It had a beautiful view of Nice and the sea. We did it with Tim, a young adult in the ward (he served his mission in Oregon and is trying to come to BYU for school). He is super great and acted as our tour guide since he had done the hike several times. We had a grand ol time and enjoyed the freshness of the mountains compared to the sometimes fun environment of the city. And the best part was that on the way back I found 5 euros! I looked around and after checking with the group about it, claimed it.

As I have now reached my year mark I recalled the words that Elder Frandsen had told me when I was just a blue. "Don't study Jesus the Christ until your year mark!" I trusted that and have seen the blessings of that as I have instead filled my studies with Preach my Gospel, and the other scriptures. But NOW I hit my year mark and decided that it was time that I opened up that huge 800 page book and take a gander at it. So I have been reading that and throughout the week my study of it has been snowballing (meaning that my desire to read it has now even gotten bigger than to write in my journal or do other "fun" but activities that distract from me reading Jesus the Christ.) Anyway now I almost to page 300 and am absolutely loving it. It just really puts Christ life so chronologically and topically with commentary that expounds just enough not to blow your mind too much! So yeah I'm enjoying that.
Voila, la vie est belle ici en France sur tout quand on lit les email d'Elder Pettingill (le cadet) (There you go, life is beautiful here in France, especially when you read the emails of Elder Pettingill the younger.)
Fraternellement (franternally),
haha non je blague mais c'est vraie que Tim m'a appris que c'est comme cela que les francais termine leurs lettres professionnelles. (haha no I'm kidding but it's true that Tim taught me that this is how the French finish their professional letters.)
Alors je vous aime tous (I love you all),
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