Transfer Week (Jacob-Nice)
But I am staying in Nice obviously!!! Elder Davis is headed to Ecully Ward in Lyon (the one with President) to be ZL over there with Elder Baldwin. I will be receiving Elder Smart from Corsica later tonight. Elder Davis is already gone.. He was very sad. We went to see lots of members this last week so it was even harder as he kind of sealed the relationships. :) He is however excited to be in Lyon. Elder Smart was in Cannes when I was in Toulon. He was with the District Leader Elder Dean. He is a really hard worker. I actually don't know much because I have only had little contacts with him at mission leadership council, or zone meetings, or district meetings, but everyone loves him.
Our district meeting was all about decisions and choosing, and it was funny because lately I have been thinking a lot about myself and how I am very indecisive. Serving with Elder Davis has really shown me a good example of someone who is very driven and picked his path and is striving for that. I want to be more like that.
Also, we had a bunch of member visits this week and it was super awesome!!! On Wednesday we had an Italien member take us out to this fake American restaurant called Buffalo Grill! It was super great!!! But right before, we got there a little early and so we decided to do a little of contacting around the place. We were about to cross the street and I am standing next to this guy. I said hi and then BOOM all of a sudden we were talking all about church. He is from Romania and came here to find some work (but this is a real Romanian not a gypsy) and essentially we had a great conversation. But unfortunately he did not have a phone so we invited him to church! Well, we went through the rest of the week and it was great but then Sunday morning we went and caught our bus to go to church and two stops later, on gets this Romanian man!!! But to add to that, he was with a member! And it turns out they had met each other and the member invited him to church!! So awesome!!
Love you!!
Elder Pettingill
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