Can I just say that I have such a strong testimony of tender mercies. It's funny, Soeur Mangum and I were talking about how Heavenly Father ALWAYS answers prayers, even if it's not exactly what we were expecting. This week both of us have been exhausted which makes it hard to do work effectively, and yet we have seen so many little miracles, little answers to prayers, and HUGE tender mercies.
Maybe I'll just tell you a little bit about Belgium first. Well, I haven't actually had any gaufres (waffles) or chocolate or frites (fries), so call me crazy. But that's what today is for! However, I have been able to see a little bit of Brussels, and it is absolutely beautiful. Par contre (on the other hand), it looks nothing like France. It literally feels exactly like I just stepped into a different country...funny how that works. Everything is brick here, and there are so many pretty buildings squished together! I love it. Plus, Soeur Mangum is amazing. She's such a good example to me, and also it helps that all we do is laugh :) Being two old missionaries and both knowing sort of how to do stuff and speak french, we have a lot of fun and support each other, which is how a companionship should be! It's perfect. These next 3 and half weeks are going to be bliss, I can feel it.
Church yesterday was something I've never experienced before, and I've decided it just felt like I was a bleue again. You see, our ward has so many Spanish speakers that they have a group! So at 11, we start Sacrament meeting in Spanish. Then after that follows RS in French (ish) and Sunday school in French (African style), and then we end with our Sacrament meeting in French (except when one of the speakers is from Germany speaking English...). It was definitely something (as in I mostly didn't understand anything at all). But something I for sure know is that I already LOVE this ward. Sure, we currently don't have a bishop. But these are people who love Christ and are willing to serve Him. We are all united :)
Now, let me tell you my miracle. So we're walking down this street, looking for a less-active and just contacting everyone on the way, and each person that we talk to seems to be in a very grumpy mood for some reason. The problem was that we were SO tired from church and life and missionary stuff that contacting a bunch of grumpy people wasn't exactly appealing at that moment in time. But honestly, after trying to give a homeless lady a brochure (she looked sad!) and just having her yell at us that Jesus doesn't care, we were about ready to give up. So we said a prayer, and kept on going. With smiles on our faces, I contacted the next lady. Who was so kind! We were able to testify to her (which is sometimes all you need as a missionary) and give her a brochure, and she even gave us her number. It wasn't grandes choses, but it was a child of God, and exactly what we needed as an answer to our prayer.
La vie est belle (Life is beautiful) :)
Soeur Pettingill
E and L met me at the gare (train station) before I left :( |
last one together in the metro! |
as a finding activity (it says to do it in PMG!!) we went to a morgue and left a BoM on a creepy chair in the creepy chapel they have there |
from our window in Brussels |
our chapel (notice the three different church signs.... |
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