Elder Pettingill and Elder Martinez with a friend at a wedding |
Well what another weirdly great week! Theme of the week. Change. We were having a little weather damper at the beginning of the week and that made everyone want to stay in their homes and sleep or something because Brive was a little dead. It was alright though because I got to do an awesome exchange with Elder Miner (who was in Cannes and I did an exchange with him when he was in his 2nd transfer and I was in my 3rd.) So that was super awesome to be able to reunite and relearn from each other and see how things have changed. He said that something I have stopped doing is to just say random things to people in order to contact them. I think it is really funny he said that because I don't even remember doing that!
Another awesome thing is that we had Zone Interviews with President on Friday! That was super fun and I feel so energized like always!! We talked a lot about planning and how we can achieve our goals! I kind of went a little crazy and wrote a two page list of all the things I have to work on and so I had to do a re-run and decided on just two things I wanted to work on. But there are literally so many different
things to do right now especially as a district leader. I am really trying to turn outwards and help my district!
Another fun thing that we did was we had samedi sportif (sports Saturday) which was super good for the first time! We had a good 8 people total and a couple amis came.
Also we played a game this week where we counted points according to a system that I came up with and then the winners got Brive eclairs. And then two other missionaries had asked for Brive eclairs (apparently you can only get eclairs this size for this cheap in Brive).
Also, we just found out that Elder Andersen is coming on June 10 to speak to the mission! I am so excited. Apparently there will be all 250 missionaries in the mission there supposedly in Nice for it so it might be a little packed.
Well I didnt have much time this week sorry... I love you all and will see you SUNDAY!!
Love Elder Pettingill
P.S. happy early Mother's Day (but I will tell you in person too ;))
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