Hey everyone!
Really lame picture of me blowing out my candles. |
Yes, in case you're wondering, I did indeed have an incredible birthday. I'll tell you about that first. Soeur Evans is an ANGEL person and made me speculoos french toast for breakfast (amazing, by the way), and then we went and did wonderful things all day like see amis de l'églised (investigators--exact translation is friends of the church)! We had lunch with a family who lives a 2 hour drive away, then a gouter (snack) with our golden family, the Brice family, who are doing wonderfully. Apparently the Word of Wisdom makes so much sense to Christophe that he just accepted it. Except he told us he's going to have a hard time actually following it because of all the stress. So we're working on that. :) Then comes the crazy part! We were supposed to have a lesson/dinner with this other wonderful family we're teaching, Louis and Sylvie, but Soeur Evans called a few days ago and told them that it was my birthday, so they surprised me!! Haha! Birthday cake, candles, a present, roses, the whole shabang. I almost started crying...so Mom, you don't need to worry, my French family took good good care of me. :) We do have pictures but not on my camera, so you'll get them next week. So let's just say the best birthday EVER, and that was thanks to my wonderful companion and all of the other people who sent me things/thought of me/thought of sending me things ;) THANK YOU.
Us and Angélique. she's a shorty. |
But. That actually has nothing to do with the subject line of my email. You see, another person this week had a birthday, and her name is Angélique. That's right; everything went well with Angélique's baptism. In fact, everything went PERFECTLY. Prayer works. We had so much support from our members and even had an ami come, and afterwards Angélique told us that she has chills, but they're not cold. That's how she feels the Spirit. :) She is a miracle! She has lived such a hard life, and has done many not so great things because of it, but now, at 27 years old, she has made the choice of a lifetime. The choice of eternity. What a beautiful, beautiful day. And the best part is that I wasn't sure if she was ready. The Wednesday before the baptism, I had doubts. Lots of them. I wasn't sure if she had a testimony, I wasn't sure if she was ready to make these covenants, I just wasn't sure. Call it the adversary. Call it the natural man. I don't know. But then we had a soirée familiale (family home evening) with a family in our branch and them, and the activity he wanted us to do was take turns bearing our testimonies. So we all did, and finally he asked Angélique if she would like to. And she did. At that moment I felt the spirit so strongly testify to me that she is READY. That yeah, she's not perfect, and she will continue to not be perfect. But she wants and needs this Gospel in her life. Angélique is a miracle. :)
I love all of you. I love being a missionary. I love seeing this gospel change lives.
Soeur Pettingill
I got to see my lovely Soeur Gordon at zone conf! :) |
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