Dear Family!
It sounds like life back at home is really just exploding and things are starting to get going again so that is exciting!!
This week has been so crazy but awesome! Our two solid investigators left on vacation so we really focused on finding and working with less actives! So we have been working with these inactives who are so awesome and I can see that they have the desire to come back. The only problem is that they don't apply... I have really learned this week that if we want to always be faithful in the Gospel it takes application of the principles we learn and diligent use of the Atonement in our lives. So there is my two cents on that subject..
As far as what I actually did during the week... I went to FRERE SASSIS again!! On Monday we went over because there were some inactives there for a soiree familiale (family home evening). So we gave the spiritual thought and then again almost died after eating. You know that you are going to die when you are already stuffed from probably 8 different main dishes and then they bring out 5 various types of cake for dessert and there only 6 or 7 people... Well after finishing about half of our plates of dessert we left so we could be back on time. Very satisfying. After that we taught lots and lots of less active lecons and had the funny question of "Are the Catholic church and Mormon church compatible?" (meaning can you attend both) asked by a new member who had just been baptized a year ago... Well we have been working with him and hopefully we can help him understand the concept of authority :)
On Wednesday we did an in-apartment exchange and I went with Elder Karras who is so awesome! He is a red head with a desire to "blow this place up" (with the gospel of course!) We had a couple cool miracles including running into a man who had been baptized in Aix-en-Provence and moved here and was in-active but trying to find where our church was!! (If only these people just used :)) So that was cool and then we hopped on the public bâteau (boat) and went across the bay to La Seyne to do some street boarding with our super cool geneology street board! So that was cool and we ended up contacting 175 people throughout the day so that was cool!!!
On Wednesday we did an in-apartment exchange and I went with Elder Karras who is so awesome! He is a red head with a desire to "blow this place up" (with the gospel of course!) We had a couple cool miracles including running into a man who had been baptized in Aix-en-Provence and moved here and was in-active but trying to find where our church was!! (If only these people just used :)) So that was cool and then we hopped on the public bâteau (boat) and went across the bay to La Seyne to do some street boarding with our super cool geneology street board! So that was cool and we ended up contacting 175 people throughout the day so that was cool!!!
Toulon Public Boat

Here you can see the bay they crossed. Wow! All in a day of work as a missionary...

Here you can see the bay they crossed. Wow! All in a day of work as a missionary...
Yesterday was Stake conference and we drove with the Tanguy family for the long 30 minute drive to the rented out building that looked like a movie theater. So that was awesome and all in French! Except for when the Area Seventy spoke that was in English. :) It was very hard though because he would say something and then the translator would say it and then he would say it and then it would be translated. So you can imagine that it took a little while for that talk. But I loved it all and even got a lot out of the talks in English! Another cool thing is that I got to see my missionary friends from the MTC!! A lot of them are not in my Zone but are in my Stake so that cool!
As far as my French is coming.. I feel like I have seen the Lord bless me sooooooo much with the Gift of Tongues. I feel like I can understand and say more and more everyday! Je veux vraiment ameliorer mon accent parce que hier a la conference de peu il y avais un missionnaire qui a parle. Apres la reunion Soeur Tanguy a dit qu'elle ne pouvait rien comprendre parce que son accent. (I really want to improve my accent because yesterday at the Stake Conference there was a missionary who spoke. After the meeting, Sister Tanguy said she couldn't understand anything he said because of his accent.)
Donc, je sais que le Seigneur a son main dans cet oeuvre! Je sais que il y a beaucoup de gens qui son pret pour l'evangile et nous devons juste ouvrir nos bouches quand l'occasion viens. (I know that the Lord has His hand in this work! I know that there are many people who are ready for the Gospel and we just need to open our mouths when the opportunity comes.)
Je vous aime tous!! (I love you all)
Au revoir!! (Goodbye)
Elder Pettingill
P.S. Sorry my letter is not as long a Soeur Pettingill's ;)
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